48-Hour Home Hacks, 09/14/16

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Help Our Feathered Friends Get Home Safely

Animals are our friends... Right? However, most of the times we don't behave as such. It's not a secret that our way of life doesn't really take into account their needs. Our way of life constantly puts them in danger, mostly because of our reflective and transparent windows. As many as a billion birds die every year in the US due to collision with windows. Birds become confused by the reflection of trees or the sky on windows or mistake a clean window for a clear path. This is a major threat especially in Florida because it is a common migratory route and destination for birds species seeking refuge from extreme northern weather conditions. Fascinating, even birds vacation here.

Anyway, this is pretty tragic, considering the speed at which birds fly, hitting a window and in most cases dying instantly or suffering from head trauma. So enough with the tragedy. The question is, what can YOU do about it? Yes, you, because most instances of bird window collision happens in residential homes.

So, tell us, will you design a complete animal-proofing plan for your home, or do you think it's too much of a hassle? Let us know in a comment below.