48-Hour Home Hacks, 10/12/16

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The Color Issue: What We Need to Know and Why

Color gives personality to our life. Even in our clothes, some people have white and black because it makes them feel more elegant. Other people like colorful outfits because it makes them feel happy and energized. We choose colors because they make us feel the way we want to feel. We look for support in the colors we choose, and that's why color in our homes is such an important decision. White walls? Bad decision, they don't speak to you. Call me crazy, but the color on your walls can create a mood, can make you feel energized or low.

This week on 48-Hour Home Hacks, we want to help you make this important decision. Welcome to the color issue!

Choosing colors for your home may not sound like such an impossible task. Most of us are simply content with leaving the walls white and throwing some colorful decorations here and there. Hey, most of us aren't interior designers, so we settle for what's easier and faster. Let me tell you something: never settle for less. Yes, it's convenient to go with what's easy but you never know what you can achieve if you spend a little more time and effort. You might even be surprised, you never thought your house could look so great and make you feel things you've never felt before. Like being actually happy with how every space in your house looks. So, give this whole color thing a chance and, who knows, you may even find it addicting.

So, I've scooped two awesome articles that will help you learn the basics of color design for your home. These articles focus on everything, not only the color of your walls, but how furniture and decoration should also blend together to create the perfect balance.

1. The Psychology of Color

This article talks about what I referred to above: how to achieve the right feeling by choosing the right color. Remember, you have to choose what's right for you. Think about what you want from the space you're choosing the color for. Each color achieves something different, so don't take this decision lightly. Think about it a thousand times before painting the wall and choosing the furniture.

2. 7 Color Mistakes to Avoid

This article is pretty straight-forward: what not to do. You can over-do-it, especially if you're a color enthusiast. There's a lot of things to consider, which can be overwhelming, but take the time to review the literature at hand so you don't regret your color choices later.

By reading these articles you'll be much more informed in your choice. Just click on the titles above and you'll find the link to the articles.  The knowledge you gain will be extremely valuable to your home design skills. No, we're not interior designers but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a house that makes us feel happy, or energized, or calm. Give some love to your home and you'll see that you'll get it right back ten times over.

I hope you can give these articles a try and that they're actually beneficial to you. Let us know in a comment if they helped and if there's any other information we can share with you on the topic.