48-Hour Home Hacks, 11/9/16

48-Hour Home Hacks brings you DIY projects to fit in your weekend schedule. Start your week with a boost when you complete those projects you’ve been putting on hold for a while.
Happy Hour Has A New Venue... Your House!
I don't know about you but I've always wanted to have a bar in my house. It may seem a little unorthodox but, come on, don't tell me you've never thought about it. Coming home after a long day of work, settling at your bar station, and pouring yourself a whiskey like those fancy people in movies. Of course you've thought about it, everyone has.
However, there always seems to be obstacles to making your dream come true. A home bar can be an investment you don't want to make, you may not have the space, or you have to put family first, and that means putting all the resources towards the family. I get it. But hold on a second. What is I told you that you can still have your home bar without worrying about the space or the investment? Sounds crazy? It really isn't. It's totally doable.
What you have to do is think small. Most of the time when we imagine a home bar we imagine this huge addition to the home, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. You can literally use a corner of your home that isn't in use. Most homes usually have an awkward space laying completely empty. This is your bar space waiting to be transformed.
The primary concern is storage room and table space. Storage room can include cabinets for glasses and liquor or even a built-in freezer drawer to store mixers, ice, or liquor that needs to be chilled. These are the basics. You can also think about whether you would rather purchase a mini-fridge or a wine cooler, which may take up more space and would be something for you to consider. Table space, of course, is needed to actually prepare the drinks.

If you prefer something more simple that requires less effort, you can opt for a cart or a cabinet on wheels to create your bar. These can add a very stylish and elegant touch to a room. Also, if you are really big on saving space, maybe consider existing furniture or architecture to set up your bar space and store your materials. What's important is that there's no one working model here. You have to think about what's best for you and what goes best with your house.
Now, tell us: How are you feeling after Election Day? From all of us at DK Hardware, we hope no matter who you voted for that we can all stay positive and look forward with enthusiasm.