How to Pick the Perfect Pool Finish

The pool's finish might be the most important design element of your pool. After all, it will be the biggest center of attraction that you will see when lounging in your backyard or from inside the house. But selecting the right pool finish is no easy task. Several factors come into play in influencing the color of your pool's water. Pool water looks different in full sunlight than under cloud cover or in late afternoon vs. early morning hours. Or, if you have surrounding buildings or tall trees shading your pool, the watercolor appears darker.

In the 1950s, when the pool culture started popping up in backyards, the best option available for pool owners was a white pool plaster finish. Then slowly and gradually, pebble finishes were introduced in the 1980s with different color options in almost every hue, texture, and style imaginable. How do you pick the right finish for your in-ground pool with so many options to choose from? Here are some of the options available to you, as well as information to help you select the right one for your pool.

Choosing a Color

The first and foremost in choosing the perfect swimming pool finish is deciding what color you like best. Select a pool finish with blue, white, or gray pigment if you want to achieve blue water. Choose a pool finish with green, brown, gold, tan, or black pigment for green water. The water finish and color should complement the atmosphere. If you want a seascape environment, a cool tone is excellent. A darker tone can give a dramatic effect, while a warmer tone can make an exceptional pick for highlighting a beach entry. Here are a few excellent options at D.K. Hardware:

  1. PREMIX-MARBLETITE 80# Oyster Marquis Preblended: 050460
  2. C.L. Industries 80# Onyx Pearl Crystal Stone Pearl: CSONXPRL
  3. PREMIX-MARBLETITE 80# Marina Marquis Preblended: 050456

Types of Finishes

There are plenty of finishes to choose from, and each has its pros and cons.

  1. Plaster Finishes

Plaster is one of the most common finishes for a pool surface. It is made by mixing cement, water, and maple dust or silica sand. Traditional white plaster gives your pool a smooth and classic appearance. If you have a large pool or are on a budget, white plaster might be a perfect choice. It can easily last between five to seven years before showing any signs of etching or chipping. Also, you can mix plaster with colored pigments or dyes to give more drama and dimension to your pool. D.K. Hardware is engaged in providing a range of pool finish pre-blends that will make your job easier:

  1. Florida Stucco 80# Blue Gem Finish: GM BLUE
  2. Florida Stucco 80# White Gem Finish: GM GEM
  3. Florida Stucco 80# Sky Blue Gem Finish: GM BLUS

2. Aggregate Finishes

These finishes combine plaster with small pieces of glass beads, river stones, quartz, or granite. There are two types of aggregate finishes: polished or exposed. These finishes are becoming more popular since they offer a more luxurious surface and are more resistant to staining and chemicals than plaster. You can either choose from various textures or have one custom blended to get a one-of-a-kind look.

Polished aggregate finishes have finely crushed color stones, such as quartz, marble, or granite. After applying the finish, it is polished to bring out the stone's lustre and create a smooth finish. These finishes work great with a classic pool design.

Exposed aggregate finishes have river pebbles or glass beads. Once the application is done, the finish is power washed to remove the top layer and expose the glass beads or colored pebbles. The exposed aggregates add some traction to the pool and allow for a range of textures and color combinations. Here are a few options for exposed aggregate at D.K. Hardware:

  1. Southern Grouts & Mortars 80# Tahoe Blue Diamond Brite: PBC323
  2. Southern Grouts & Mortars 80# Cool Blue Diamond Brite: PBC332
  3. Southern Grouts & Mortars 80# Blue Quartz Diamond Brite: PBC309

DK Hardware features an extensive range of pool finish pre-blends for giving your pool the perfect look. Click on any link on this blog to be redirected to some of the best options.

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