Smart Glass Glimpse, 08/01/16

Smart Glass Glimpse, 08/01/16

Smart Glass Glimpse brings you the latest technology news in the glass and glazing industry so you can easily keep updated.

New Dynamic Window Technology Promises Affordable Prices

New Visual Media Group has introduced its new dynamic window technology after a year of anxious waiting. The technology is called ElectroPolymeric Display and it expects to increase energy efficiency six times over other technologies. The technology will also cost about 90 percent less than other alternatives in the market.

ElectroPolymeric Display technology consists of a super-thin sheet of polymer film installed inside the insulating window.  The shade provided focuses on keeping out heat in the summer and keeping heat in during the winter. The most exciting part? The shade can be electronically lowered and raised through automation or a Wi-Fi signal.

Independent laboratory tests show that windows with this technology register a solar heat gain coefficient of 0.034, six times better than competitors and 20 times better than regular windows. And that’s not all! The cost of the technology will only be $4 per square foot over the cost of a regular window. In comparison, other smart glass technologies can add $100 per square foot over the cost of a regular window. As a result, ElectroPolymeric Display will pay for itself in about 18 to 24 months.

The technology’s greatest advantage is the flexibility it ensures through the use of electronic control systems. Customers will have more control over the function of their windows and, consequently, their environment. ElectronicPolymeric Display technology will be extremely popular in the hospital market, who wish for automated solutions to their patients’ privacy needs. New Visual Media Group’s technological advance will change the way we all look at smart glass, especially in terms of price.

So, we want to know, are you considering ElectroPolymeric Display technology for your business or home? Let us know in the comment section below.