Smart Glass Glimpse, 9/12/16

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The Autonomous Car Threat Most Hadn't Thought Of

The development of autonomous cars faces many obstacles, including the lack of confidence consumers have for them. However, I assure you there is one element most of us have forgotten about. What is it? What are we forgetting? Oh, hackers! Since autonomous cars use artificial intelligence, how easy would it be for someone to hack into a car's system and steal it? Well, if hackers can access information from US government agencies, anything is possible.

So, what is the public's opinion on this matter? A survey of 1,200 British drivers ran by IAM RoadSmart revealed that 74 percent of the respondents believe insurance companies should cover damage caused by hackers who take control of the autonomous vehicle. However, less than a quarter of the respondents supported this notion if it meant a spike in their insurance policy's price.

Then, how are car manufacturers responding to this new information from consumers? Tesla has followed the trend of awarding people who can find weaknesses in its system, but doesn't seem enough to increase consumer confidence in autonomous cars, especially when it comes to a hacker threat. Car manufacturers will have to prove to insurance companies that they are doing everything they can to prevent this threat.

The consumer population is extremely excited about the development of autonomous cars as they witness the future of transportation. It is a matter of addressing the public's concerns if car manufacturers ever hope to convince consumers to purchase artificial intelligence-controlled vehicles.

Does the knowledge of the hacker threat change your opinion on purchasing an autonomous car? Let us know in a comment below.