Tips to Install Bypass Door Like a Pro!

Installing bypass doors can feel intimidating. Regardless of whether you are a professional worker or a DIYer, you want the outcome for installing your bypass doors to be the same, and you want it to be done right. So, where do you start from? Right here. Read on to know how more.

We understand that installing bypass doors can feel difficult if you haven't done it before. This is why we have decided to put together our best tips for making sure you install your bypass door correctly. Following these tips will give you the accuracy of a professional in a matter of minutes.

With the proper hardware, installing bypass doors becomes very simple. The key to professional-looking bypass doors is taking the correct measurements before your installation.

Preparing and Measuring Your Door Opening

  1. Removing any existing doors if present - Use a drill to unscrew any hinges or tracks from your door opening, take off the old doors, and set them aside.
  2. Measuring the height and width of the door opening- Get the height and width of your door opening with the help of a tape measure.
  3. Buy bypass doors and tracks that will fit your door opening - Bypass doors and tracks come in various sizes. You will want to compare the measurements you took to the product specifications for the tracks and doors you're looking at so you know they'll fit in your door opening.

Installing the Tracks

  1. Cut your tracks to size if needed- Get the correct size by cutting the tracks according to your earlier measurement.
  2. Positioning the top track on the top of your door opening- Ensure the top of the track is facing down toward the floor. Take someone's help for holding the tracks in place if required.
  3. Drilling the track into place- Locate the screw holes along the track and drill them for securing the track in place.
  4. Positioning the bottom track on the floor of your door opening- Next you need to line up the bottom track up with the top track. For this, measure the distance between the side of the top track and the front edge of your door opening and then position the bottom track, so there's an equal amount of distance between its side and the front edge of the door opening.
  5. Screwing the bottom track into place - Drill the screws into the screw holes along the bottom track for securing the top and bottom track in place.

Installing the Doors

  1. Inserting the wheels- Insert the wheels on the top of the first door into the top track. Hold the door in such a way that the top is tilted backward. Then, fasten the wheels on top of the door onto the back runner of the top track. The first door goes on the back runners while the second door goes in front of the tracks.
  2. Dropping the wheels on the bottom of the door into the bottom track - Carefully line up the bottom wheels up with the back runner on the bottom track, and then drop them into place.
  3. Inserting the wheels on the second door into the runners at the front of the tracks - Repeat the same process like you did with the first door, but in this case, use the front runners on the tracks this time.
  4. Adjust the doors as needed - Many bypass doors can be adjusted using the bottom and top and bottom rollers. Use the adjusters to slightly raise or lower your doors or to make them flush with the wall.

Here are some of the best choices for high-quality hardware that will make your task of installing bypass doors incredibly easy:

  1. CRL 7/8" Nylon Wardrobe Door Roller- N7449Knape & Vogt Bypassing Sliding Door Track 4ft - R-BYP-50-2D4 Ward
  2. TRUporte 106 Series 72 in. x 80 in. White Composite Bypass Door- 340012 Do
  3. Anvil Mark Back Bypass Door Rollers Per Pack- 901046-BNT D
  4. CRL Matte Black Deluxe 180 Degree Cambridge Series Two Door Bypass Sliding Shower Door System - CAM73MBL

DK Hardware features a wide range of bypass door accessories for your various installation purposes. Click on any link on this blog to be redirected to some of the best options.

For any specific questions, feel free to reach out to us!

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