Types Of Shower Door Sweep Replacements

Shower door sweeps do an excellent job keeping the bathroom floor clean and dry. Sometimes, the shower door sweep gets broken and needs to be replaced. There are different types of shower door sweeps suited for different door types. In this blog, we will discuss the different types of shower door sweeps you can choose from.

Bottom Sweep

Bottom seals are the most common type of shower door seal. Also referred to as the bottom seal, it runs along the bottom of the door. The bottom sweep features a drip edge on one side fixed towards the inner side of the shower area. It is suitable for installation on both frameless and framed shower doors.

Side Sweeps

Side sweeps are designed to prevent water from leaking through the door’s side hinges. It is relatively harder to install than the shower door bottom sweeps. Replacing involves more measuring, marking, and cutting than the bottom sweep or door stop.

Glass to Glass Door Jamb

Door stops or door jambs offer an excellent way of saving glass doors from shattering or getting damaged in case of abrupt closing or opening. It is easy to install and goes along the side of the door that opens. This door jamb is usually installed where the glass door comes in contact with another glass panel or door.

Glass to Wall Shower Seal

Wall shower seals are mainly used when glass doors close against the wall. They do an excellent job of preventing the shower doors from crashing into the walls and getting damaged.

Here are a few high-quality Shower door sweep replacements available at DK Hardware:

  1. CRL Multi-Purpose Clear 'L' Angle Jamb Seal :  P12LJ
  2. CRL Clear Co-Extruded Bottom Wipe with Drip Rail : P990WS
  3. CRL Translucent Vinyl Bulb Seal : PCR10
  4. CRL Clear Co-Extruded Bottom Wipe with Drip Rail : P914WS
  5. CRL One-Piece Bottom Rail With Clear Wipe : P501BR

DK Hardware features a wide range of shower door sweep replacements for your shower installations. We are confident you will find your pick with different types of door sweeps available. Click on any link on this blog to be redirected to some of the best options.

For any specific questions, feel free to reach out to us!

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