What to keep in mind when ordering a glass showcase.

Based on your requirements, you can order a range of styles and sizes in trophy and glass showcases from CR Laurence. Here is a look at how to order one, and some of the most popular products from the catalog.

Ordering a glass showcase

  1. Size

Specify the dimensions you want in terms of length, height and depth.

  1. Finish

You can order trophy cases in satin anodized or duranodic bronze finishes, and have a choice of powder coat paints.

  1. Base

Determine if you want the case mounted on a wood or metal base, or metal legs. Also specify the full dimensions of the base or height of the legs.

  1. Shelving

Choose from CRL's shelf extrusions for 1/4'' or 3/8'' glass, rod systems, and cable systems. Aluminum standards and brackets are available in five different finishes; heavy-duty steel standards and brackets are another option.

  1. Lighting

LED or flourescent lighting makes your trophy case functional.

If you would like to have doors mounted on both sides of the case or incorporate any other design element, discuss the same with CRL's technical representatives.

Ordering a glass showcase

A deluxe packaged glass showcase from CRL comes with a complete, ready to glaze frame with everything except the glass. It is a good option if you want to install the showcase in the shortest time. Semi-assembled showcases are also available. D6304A is a popular packaged showcase can be ordered in three sizes and finishes.

Custom glass showcase frames can be also be ordered; it is advised that you seek the assistance of CRL's technical sales team to purchase a product that meets your space and design requirements. D7090A is a Celtic Showcase Frame designed to be mounted on counter or cabinet tops. It has a narrow extrusion profile that provides generous internal viewing space.

CRL Custom Gibraltar Showcase Frame is available in many finishes, and supplied with extrusions, corners, base lugs, glazing vinyl, cushioning tape, and all sliding door track. To order the product, keep the following in mind: D4000A

  • Frame finish – satin anodized (SA), gold anodized (GA), duranodic bronze (DU), brite anodized (BA), brite gold anodized (BGA), brite black (BBL) and flat black (FBL).
  • Frame length
  • Frame height (top to bottom height; leave out the height of the cabinet)
  • Frame depth
  • Standard and brackets
  • Reflector assemblies
  • Locks
  • Standard equipment

Get more information on CRL's custom and pre-packaged showcases here and here respectively.