Smart Glass Glimpse, 09/26/16

Smart Glass Glimpse brings you the latest technology news in the glass and glazing industry so you can easily keep updated.
Is Your Home as Smart as It Could Be?

We like all of our things smart now. We started with smartphones. Then we got smart TVs. Now, even our homes are smart. Smart homes are the newest trend in technology. Since we can check our credit score, pay our bills, rent a house for the weekend on our smartphone, we have come to rely on technology like never before. The idea of having a home that we can control through our smartphone, tablet, or computer has never been more exciting. It's no surprise that a little more than half of renovated homes in the United States are twice as likely to include a smart system or device.
Think about it, wouldn't you consider turning your home into a smart home? As a proud owner of a smart climate control device, I can't wait to convert my home into a full-fledged smart home. Let me tell you a little bit about my awesome smart climate control device. The device I have in my home is called Nest. It's controlled with an app that can be installed in multiple mobile devices. Let's say I'm downstairs and I get cold. I don't have to run upstairs and change the temperature. I just open the app and put a higher temperature. I didn't even have to move from where I was or pause my favorite TV series (Game of Thrones, obviously). In addition, Nest learns my temperature preferences throughout the day. It will automatically adjust to my preferred temperature trends. This saves me a couple of bucks on the energy bill because Nest will not force the A/C to function at high speed all day; instead, Nest will help the A/C rest when I'm not home or when the South Florida heat isn't hitting too hard.
Tell us: Do you have any smart systems or devices in your home? Which one? Do you not? Which smart system/device do you want in your home the most? Let us know in a comment below.