Smart Glass Glimpse, 10/17/16

Smart Glass Glimpse, 10/17/16

Smart Glass Glimpse brings you the latest technology news in the glass and glazing industry so you can easily keep updated.

The Road to The Future is Paved with Solar Panels

When we think of the future, we immediately remember the dystopian cities seen in sci-fi movies. I think we've been aiming too high. We think the future consists of flying cars and robots, but maybe we need to take a step back. We need to think of the road to the future as baby steps. Small changes that inch us closer and closer to our futuristic dream. One of these changes takes the form of sidewalks and roads made of solar panels.

The American company Solar Roadways is the first in the nation to consider the replacement of all 48,000 square miles of asphalt in the United States with glass solar panels. This brilliant idea can make three times the energy needs of the nation. Imagine riding your bike through a trail made of solar panels, knowing that energy is being produced right under your feet. Pretty cool, huh? When you're someone who is as passionate about environmental change as I am, you consider this a very exciting development.

Now, tell us: How close do you think we are to our futuristic dream? What do you think the future will look like? Let us know what you think in a comment below.