U-Channel: What Is It And Where Does It Go?

You've probably heard the word "u-channel" many times. You know it's used to build something and it's in there somewhere. But that's not enough, is it? It's not really about the fear of the unknown, it's more about the unknown being extremely annoying. So let's put this riddle to bed: What is a U-channel and where does it go?

The U-channel is a metal rail used to secure glass panels to the floor, ceiling, or wall. U-channels create a support structure for glass panels. U-channels have two major applications: Shower doors and glass entrance systems.

U-channels have become especially popular with the surge of the frameless shower trend. They are still very important for glass shower doors because they provide structure to keep the glass in place when it open/closes or slides.

On the other hand, u-channels help create those awesome glass entrances that we all wish we had in our homes. The u-channel keeps panels of glass together for the entrance system, what you could simply call a "glass wall," and acts as a support structure for the glass entrance door.