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Satin Chrome
Falcon E
Cylinder Type
Small Format Interchangeable Core
Finish Description
Satin Chrome
Keyblank Grouping
Control Keyblank Grouping
Keying Charges
Product Type
Cylinder/IC Core
For Use With
Best and Arrow Small Format Interchangeable Core Products
Color Code
ADA Compliant
Finish Family
Satin Chrome
Keying Type
Uncombinated; Spring Cover
C647 Series
Manufacturer Parent
Cylinder Keying
Uncombinated cores are supplied without pins, springs or keys. May be keyed into A2, A3 and A4 Systems in the field. Combinated cores are keyed and ready to install, and are furnished with two change keys each. A2 System standard, A4 special. Advantages - Interchangeable core (I/C) offers maximum flexibility to the building owner. Whenever a key is lost or stolen, locks can be rekeyed quickly by non-locksmith personnel. All it takes is the special “control” key. This key is used to remove and install all cores in the system. Just go to the door, remove the old core and install the new one with the control key. Security is regained in seconds! Falcon’s interchangeable cores and I/C locksets are compatible with other small format interchangeable core (SFIC) products, such as Best and Arrow. Use our locks with their cores and vice versa. In most cases Falcon can even furnish cores master keyed into your existing Best or Arrow key system. Just include a copy of your existing bitting list with the order. Construction Cores - Interchangeable core jobs requiring construction keying are furnished with temporary cores which are keyed alike to a combination unrelated to the permanent system’s master key. When the building is turned over to the owner, the permanent cores are installed and the construction cores are returned to Falcon Lock for credit. Orders must include the name and address of the person to whom the construction keys and permanent master and change keys should be sent. Interchangeable Core Keyways - The "A" keyway is standard for I/C products and will be supplied unless otherwise specified. Falcon keyways shown here are equivalent to Best and Arrow I/C keyways of the same names. Consult factory for restricted keyways not listed here. When ordering locks or cores master keyed into existing Best, Arrow or other compatibleI/C systems, a copy of the bitting list for the existing system is required with the order. A2, A3 and A4 Systems - Falcon master keying uses the A2 System (depths 0-9) standard. We can provide cores into competitors’ A4 (depths 0-5) key systems but we generate new A4 systems solely at the discretion of our Key Systems Department. We do not support the A3 System (Depths 0-6). However, any Falcon core can be combinated to A3 specs in the field.
Specifications: Packaging: